Fullstack developer portfolio

Hi, I'm Matthew.

I'm a full stack web developer specializing in React and Next.js. I love coding, IT, helping others and swimming! 🙂

Always learning new things

Making apps with robust technologies

These are my major technology decisions to make my applications performant, flexible, scalable and generally provide good UX and DX.

Building is the best way to grow

Example Projects I've built

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Supabase Auth 🔒

Robust authentication & authorization example made in Next.js with Supabase and Tanstack Query. Complete with error handling, loading states, resetting passwords, email confirmation and more.

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Space Portfolio 🌌

A fully animated Next.js portfolio with the help of ThreeJS, Framer Motion, shadcn/ui and clever usage of .webm videos.

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React ClickMe 🎈

A react library full of highly customizable and animated buttons out of the box. This project includes a Single Page Application for documentation and an NPM package.

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Home Budget 💸

An SPA for managing your finances by taking track of your budgets and expenses. Utilizes the browser's localStorage and advanced UI state using React's Context API with useReducer.


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